
Christoph Merian基金会总部,瑞士 / Herzog & de Meuron




Christoph Merian基金会希望能够整合目前位于巴塞尔历史悠久的老城区总部的各个部门,这一愿景将由一座新的总部建筑实现。新建筑将取代位于St. Alban-Vorstadt 12号地块后面的旧牙科诊所,地上三层的创新木结构将提供为该基金会的工作人员提供最先进的工作环境,以迎合当今开放沟通和灵活团队合作的理念。

The Christoph Merian Foundation (CMS) sought to consolidate the various departments currently housed at their headquarters in Basel’s historic old town. This was to be achieved by moving into a new building that would replace the former dental clinic on a site in the grounds behind the property at St. Alban-Vorstadt 12. An innovative timber structure over three floors would provide a state-of-the-art working environment in keeping with today’s requirements of open communication and flexible teamwork.

▼项目与周边环境鸟瞰,aerial view of the project and surrounding environment© Herzog&deMeuron

Christoph Merian基金会总部,瑞士 / Herzog & de Meuron


2018年,客户委托Herzog & de Meuron进行了一项研究,研究结果列举了超越建筑空间配置的各种方式,希望在城市规划、建筑和文化方面为城市的发展做出贡献。在探索了多种翻新现有建筑的预想方案后,建筑师最终决定对于本项目来说,设计一座新的建筑才是最佳选择。

In 2018, the client commissioned Herzog & de Meuron to undertake a study outlining various ways of going beyond the spatial configuration of the building, with the express wish of making an urban planning, architectural and cultural contribution to the city’s development. Having explored a number of options for refurbishment of the existing building, it was eventually decided that the best way forward would be to design a replacement building.

▼场地入口,entrance of the site© Herzog&deMeuron

Christoph Merian基金会总部,瑞士 / Herzog & de Meuron


本项目场地位于Münsterhügel(大教堂山)与前外城城墙St. Alban-Tor城门之间,该地区被称为St. Alban-Vorstadt,代表了巴塞尔中世纪早期的第一次扩张,并在很大程度上保留了其历史特色。2017年,Christoph Merian基金会将总部迁至St. Alban-Vorstadt 12号一座建于1865年的新古典主义建筑中,该建筑后院的两座建筑分别被牙科诊所和Vorstadt剧院占用。

Situated between the Münsterhügel and the former outer city wall with its gateway of St. Alban-Tor, the area known as St. Alban-Vorstadt represents one of Basel’s first early medieval expansions and has largely retained its historic character. In 2017, the Christoph Merian Foundation moved its headquarters to a neoclassical building dating from 1865 at St. Alban-Vorstadt 12, where two buildings in the rear courtyard were occupied, respectively, by the dental clinic and the Vorstadt Theater.

▼外观,exterior view© Herzog&deMeuron

Christoph Merian基金会总部,瑞士 / Herzog & de Meuron


St. Alban-Vorstadt位于指定的保护区内,因此,根据城市现行的《建筑和规划法》,设计将会受到某些旨在保护巴塞尔历史遗迹和建筑遗产的立法的约束。St. Alban-Vorstadt 12号的后院直接毗邻巴塞尔艺术博物馆的新翼、前Vorstadt剧院和老Otto Rudolf Salvisberg教堂,这座教堂建于1936年,现在被用作巴塞尔交响乐团的排练场地。

St. Alban-Vorstadt is located within a designated conservation area and, as such, is subject to certain legislation aimed at protecting Basel’s historic monuments and architectural heritage in accordance with the city’s prevailing Building and Planning Law. The courtyard site behind St. Alban-Vorstadt 12 is directly adjacent to the new wing of the Basel Kunstmuseum, the former Vorstadt Theater and the former church by Otto Rudolf Salvisberg, built in 1936, which is now used as a rehearsal space by the Basel Symphony Orchestra.

▼立面遮阳系统,facade shading system© Herzog&deMeuron

Christoph Merian基金会总部,瑞士 / Herzog & de Meuron


建筑的三层倾斜屋顶设计反映了19世纪历史建筑在20世纪增建之前的原始比例,因此这座新建筑有助于改善保护区内的城市发展状况。与其采用翻新的方式,并保留原始建筑中的小尺度空间布局,新的三层建筑中设置了一处36米x6米的双层通高空间,该空间可以根据需求和Christoph Merian基金会的灵活使用理念自由配置。主入口区域将底层空间分隔为不同部分。

▼分析图,analysis diagram© Herzog&deMeuron

Christoph Merian基金会总部,瑞士 / Herzog & de Meuron

With its three-story, pitched-roof design reflecting the original proportions of the historic 19th century building stock prior to any 20th century additions, the new-build helps to rectify the urban development situation within the conservation area. In contrast to the structurally determined small-space layout of the refurbishment option, which was rejected, the new-build provides a main area of 36m by 6m on two of the three floors, which can be configured freely according to the spatial requirements and flexible usage concepts of the Christoph Merian Foundation. The ground floor is divided by the entrance area.

▼立面近景,closer view of the facade© Herzog&deMeuron

Christoph Merian基金会总部,瑞士 / Herzog & de Meuron

Christoph Merian基金会总部,瑞士 / Herzog & de Meuron

▼外廊,the arcade© Herzog&deMeuron

Christoph Merian基金会总部,瑞士 / Herzog & de Meuron

Christoph Merian基金会总部,瑞士 / Herzog & de Meuron


▼分析图,analysis diagram© Herzog&deMeuron

Christoph Merian基金会总部,瑞士 / Herzog & de Meuron

The basement houses the archives and the building’s technical services. All the other rooms for ancillary and technical services, as well as the straight stairway and elevator, are aligned along the rear firewall. The fully glazed façade with projecting arcades looking onto the courtyard lends expression to the wide-reaching openness of the Foundation in its social, cultural, and ecological endeavours.

▼室内概览,overall of interior© Herzog&deMeuron

Christoph Merian基金会总部,瑞士 / Herzog & de Meuron

▼通透的建筑界面,transparent interface© Herzog&deMeuron

Christoph Merian基金会总部,瑞士 / Herzog & de Meuron

▼建筑细部,architectural details© Herzog&deMeuron

Christoph Merian基金会总部,瑞士 / Herzog & de Meuron

▼细部,details© Herzog&deMeuron

Christoph Merian基金会总部,瑞士 / Herzog & de Meuron


Apart from the basement and the structurally enhanced steel-reinforced concrete firewall, the building is designed as a sustainable timber structure. As such, it references the historically prevalent wooden courtyard outbuildings of the area. The wooden-concrete-composite ceilings that span the entire 10m depth of the building are made of spruce and silver fir, while high-quality beech is used for the loadbearing columns and edge beams. The projecting arcades are supported by wooden brackets, allowing structural penetration of the façade.

▼全木结构,timber structure© Herzog&deMeuron

Christoph Merian基金会总部,瑞士 / Herzog & de Meuron

▼插座与开关细部,socket and switch details© Herzog&deMeuron

Christoph Merian基金会总部,瑞士 / Herzog & de Meuron


Inside the building, the wooden floorboards of the arcades continue in the form of large parquet planks. The underside of the ceiling reveals the different heights of the individual wooden boards. In conjunction with the unclad wooden lathes along the back wall, this creates the perfect acoustics to ensure a comfortable working environment in such an open-plan space.

▼楼梯间,staircase© Herzog&deMeuron

Christoph Merian基金会总部,瑞士 / Herzog & de Meuron

Christoph Merian基金会总部,瑞士 / Herzog & de Meuron

▼总平面图,site plan© Herzog&deMeuron

Christoph Merian基金会总部,瑞士 / Herzog & de Meuron

▼负一层平面图,level -1 plan© Herzog&deMeuron

Christoph Merian基金会总部,瑞士 / Herzog & de Meuron

▼一层平面图,level 0 plan© Herzog&deMeuron

Christoph Merian基金会总部,瑞士 / Herzog & de Meuron

▼二层平面图,level +1 plan© Herzog&deMeuron

Christoph Merian基金会总部,瑞士 / Herzog & de Meuron

▼三层平面图,level +2 plan© Herzog&deMeuron

Christoph Merian基金会总部,瑞士 / Herzog & de Meuron

▼立面图,elevations© Herzog&deMeuron

Christoph Merian基金会总部,瑞士 / Herzog & de Meuron

Christoph Merian基金会总部,瑞士 / Herzog & de Meuron

Christoph Merian基金会总部,瑞士 / Herzog & de Meuron

▼剖面图,sections© Herzog&deMeuron

Christoph Merian基金会总部,瑞士 / Herzog & de Meuron

Christoph Merian基金会总部,瑞士 / Herzog & de Meuron

Christoph Merian基金会总部,瑞士 / Herzog & de Meuron

▼结构详图,construction details© Herzog&deMeuron

Christoph Merian基金会总部,瑞士 / Herzog & de Meuron

Project Number: 495
Project Official Name: Hauptsitz Christoph Merian Stiftung
Location: St. Alban-Vorstadt 12, Basel, Schweiz
Client: Christoph Merian Stiftung, Basel, Schweiz
Client Representative: Christoph Merian Stiftung, Martin Weis
Herzog & de Meuron Project Team
Partners: Jacques Herzog, Pierre de Meuron, Andreas Fries (Partner in Charge), Christoph Röttinger (Coupling Partner)
Project Team: Elena Klinnert (Project Manager, Senior Architect), Martin Krapp (Project Director, Associate) Michael Bär (Associate), Massimo Corradi (Design Technologies), Jonas Läufer, Tom Mundy, Niklas Nalbach, Martin Schulte (Design Technologies), Joyce Schwyn, Klelia Siska, Julius Zucco
Project and Construction Management
Dietziker Partner Baumanagement AG, Basel, Schweiz
Structural Engineering
Schnetzer Puskas Ingenieure AG, Basel, Schweiz
Project Architect
Herzog & de Meuron Basel Ltd., Basel, Schweiz
Facade Consulting
Christoph Etter Fassadenplanung, Basel, Schweiz
Landscape Design
Stauffenegger + Partner AG, Basel, Schweiz
Building Services
Consulting Kalt + Halbeisen Ingenieurbüro AG, Basel, Schweiz
Building Physics Consulting
Kopitsis Bauphysik AG, Basel, Schweiz
Fire Protection Engineering
A. Aegerter & Dr. O. Bosshardt AG, Basel, Schweiz

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