
胖妹面庄隆福寺店,北京 / OFFICE AIO



从堂食小面到外带糖水,胖妹面庄一直以川味吃食享誉北京。作为餐饮业的持续创新者,胖妹品牌再次委托 Office AIO 为其最新的分店设计新颖的餐厅体验。新分店坐落于胡同之中,位于一座写字楼的底层。餐厅与周边几栋办公楼共享着一个露天小广场。虽然附近的上班族为该片区提供着稳定的客源,但随着周边入驻的文化机构增加,该片区也日渐吸引了不少来餐馆博物馆和看剧的人流。

From bowls of noodles to grab-and-go desserts, Pang Mei Noodle Bar (“Pang Mei” translates to “chubby girl”) has mastered serving distinctive Sichuan dishes in Beijing. As an innovator in the restaurant business, the brand commissioned Office AIO again to design a novel experience for its latest venture. Located among the hutongs, the new restaurant sits on the ground floor of a commercial complex. The site shares an open-air yard with a few other office buildings. While the area benefits from a steady clientele of nearby office workers, it also attracts a growing number of museum and theatre goers from rising cultural establishments.

▼门店位于露天小广场,restaurant sits on an open-air yard© Wen Studio

胖妹面庄隆福寺店,北京 / OFFICE AIO

a challenge of hybrid services

考虑到客群就餐习惯的差异,胖妹希望借新门店的机会,拓展成复合服务模式运营,在不同的时段变换服务模式及菜品。为此,Office AIO 严谨地规划了全时段经营的空间方案。

To cater to this diverse crowd of patrons, the client is experimenting with a hybrid operation, varying service model and food offerings at different hours. Office AIO devises a system of spatial programming that changes throughout the day.

▼门头概览,storefront overview© Wen Studio

胖妹面庄隆福寺店,北京 / OFFICE AIO


Interior space was strategically sectioned to facilitate different operational needs and more importantly, engages and energises its surroundings. With the benefit of a wide facade, the design carves out a corridor along the facade. It establishes a linear zone for grab-and-go orders and double-sided window seats, taking advantage of an arterial walkway that draws people into the courtyard. Service windows of varying sizes protrude along the kitchens into the corridor, streamlining service for this bustling section.

▼南立面走廊,a corridor along the south facade© Wen Studio

胖妹面庄隆福寺店,北京 / OFFICE AIO

胖妹面庄隆福寺店,北京 / OFFICE AIO

▼户外就餐区,outdoor seatings© Wen Studio

胖妹面庄隆福寺店,北京 / OFFICE AIO

▼西面快速出餐区,takeaway window on western side© Wen Studio

胖妹面庄隆福寺店,北京 / OFFICE AIO

▼服务窗, service window© Wen Studio

胖妹面庄隆福寺店,北京 / OFFICE AIO


Towards its spacious eastern end, Office AIO arranges more single-party tables and flexible seatings in a larger cubic volume, doubling seat counts for peak hours dine-ins. A roller shutter act as the key to the eatery’s transformation. Shut off during off-peak hours for quick counter service only, the shutter opens up during peak hours meals, expanding the restaurant for full table service.
This flexible programming allows the client to test out a new challenge: extending hours to serve seasonal ‘tapas’ menu, for late night nibbling after theatre plays. The new target audience inspires the restaurant to expand its offerings, and prompts the designer to create a hot spot for social gatherings.

▼长廊就餐区,corridor seating© Wen Studio

胖妹面庄隆福寺店,北京 / OFFICE AIO

胖妹面庄隆福寺店,北京 / OFFICE AIO

▼卷闸门场景转换,a roller shutte allows for flexible program© Wen Studio

胖妹面庄隆福寺店,北京 / OFFICE AIO

▼主用餐区概览,main dining area© Wen Studio

胖妹面庄隆福寺店,北京 / OFFICE AIO

胖妹面庄隆福寺店,北京 / OFFICE AIO

▼一瞥,a glimpse© Wen Studio

胖妹面庄隆福寺店,北京 / OFFICE AIO

injecting “chubbiness” playfulness into the courtyard

Office AIO 围绕趣味和社交为该胖妹门店奠定独特的空间特性,促进餐厅内人们之间交流之余,也拓宽餐厅与周边社区联系。设计团队对建筑进行了局部改造,使外立面既实用又亮眼。设计在原本幕墙的沿线设计了长桌,跨出建筑幕墙,在内外侧均设置了座位,把社交场景延伸到广场上。沿桌子中心线安装了上翻折叠窗,将原本独立开的室内空间延伸至室外,模糊了室内外边界。

Office AIO defines this new Pang Mei with playfulness and gregariousness, fostering exchanges between people at the restaurant, and creating connection to the community beyond its perimeter. The team revamps the building’s facade with functional and eye-catching features. Long tables protrude beyond the building’s envelop, with seatings on both sides to extend the social scenes out onto the plaza. Upward bi-fold glass windows are installed along the tables’ centreline, blurring outdoor and indoor spaces.

▼长桌跨出建筑幕墙,Long tables protrude beyond the building’s envelop© Wen Studio

胖妹面庄隆福寺店,北京 / OFFICE AIO

折叠窗的上方,由幕墙上突出不锈钢屋檐,以俏皮的方式在庭院内制造令人瞠目的震撼感。粗管状的柱形和反光的表面让人联想到艺术大师昆斯(Jeff Koon)的金属扭曲气球。屋檐上安装着可伸缩的薄膜,让顶篷为室外的客人遮荫。室外空间由新建造的水磨石台阶垫高,台阶的角落由圆角包边,使其以亲近可人的姿态延伸至庭院。平行狭长的台阶和顶篷进一步衬托出南立面的宽阔,并将用餐者享受美食和欢聚的时光框入成画。

▼可伸缩的薄膜示意,rollable membrane diagram ©OFFICE AIO

胖妹面庄隆福寺店,北京 / OFFICE AIO

A stainless “chubby” superstructure projects out of the facade above the bi-fold windows, commanding a monumental but playful presence inside the business complex. Its tubular pill shape and reflective surface is reminiscent of Jeff Koon’s twisted balloons. With rollable membrane installed, the canopy offers shading over its al fresco patio. Raised by soft corner landscape stepping, the new terrazzo patio reaches out into the courtyard in a friendly manner. The stepping and the canopy together, accentuate the linearity of the facade. They frame long and dynamic scenes of eaters enjoying their food and company.

▼夸张的不锈钢屋檐,stainless “chubby” superstructure © Wen Studio

胖妹面庄隆福寺店,北京 / OFFICE AIO

类似的趣味性在室内的其它空间也得以呈现。Office AIO 对材料的运用灵感来自胡同里常见的家具,这些家具权宜不同的因素,但其使用性也彰显着自信的气质。设计团队借用橡皮筋、软木和铝合金进行设计,为门店定制了餐椅和吊灯,赋予餐厅简朴、精炼和温暖的气息。室内的墙体上,裸色粗胖的圆柱形软包垫顺着墙壁延伸,呼应着胖妹面庄颇负盛名的小面,并制造了丰富的背景。室内同样沿用了胖妹标志性的渐变镜墙面,除了营造雾都的气氛、也开阔了空间。

This playfulness is echoed throughout the interior too. Office AIO pulls off a play of material inspired by the improvisation spirit of hutong furniture. Crafted with rubber bands, cork and aluminium, the bespoke sling chairs and puck pendant lights complement the rooms of flexibility, minimalism and warmth. Noodle-like and chubby, padded cylinders in soft nude colour wiggle along the walls and form a backdrop that hints on Pang Mei’s famous noodles. The padded wall, as well as the gradient fog mirrors, continue as the signature seen across Pang Mei’s many restaurants.

▼裸色粗胖的圆柱形软包垫,chubby padded cylinders in soft nude colour © Wen Studio

胖妹面庄隆福寺店,北京 / OFFICE AIO

胖妹面庄隆福寺店,北京 / OFFICE AIO

▼家具细部,furniture details© Wen Studio

胖妹面庄隆福寺店,北京 / OFFICE AIO

胖妹面庄隆福寺店,北京 / OFFICE AIO

Office AIO 将波普艺术、社区和川菜的精神融合在一起,打造了一个极简美学的空间,同时又满足了灵活的运营,为社区营造了凝聚力,并将人们联系在一起。

Tying together the spirit of pop art, community and Sichuan cuisine, Office AIO crafts a space of minimalistic aesthetics while at the same time, managing to flex operations, impress community and connect people.

▼夜景概览,overview at night © Wen Studio

胖妹面庄隆福寺店,北京 / OFFICE AIO

胖妹面庄隆福寺店,北京 / OFFICE AIO

胖妹面庄隆福寺店,北京 / OFFICE AIO

▼轴测爆炸图,exploded axon© OFFICE AIO

胖妹面庄隆福寺店,北京 / OFFICE AIO

▼轴测,axon©OFFICE AIO

胖妹面庄隆福寺店,北京 / OFFICE AIO

▼平面图,plan©OFFICE AIO

胖妹面庄隆福寺店,北京 / OFFICE AIO

面积:170 平方米
摄影:Wen Studio
灯光:乔燕莎 & Office AIO
平面:Meat Studio

Client: Pang Mei Noodle Bar
Location: Beijing, China
Area: 170 sqm
Commission: Partial Architectural Design (facade renovation) , Interior Design and Lighting Design
Principal: Tim Kwan
Team: Xiao Yang, Xue Zhao, Steven Tse, Isabelle Sun
Appointment: 2022
Completion: 2023
Photos: Wen Studio
Lighting Design: Sarah QIAO & Office AIO
Construction: Beijing YaMingYiJu Decoration Engineering Co., Ltd
Graphic Design: Meat Studio

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