
捷克抵抗运动纪念馆 / IXA Studio



在2017年,在共产主义政权下台三十周年后,Zdeňka Mašínová女士重新拿回了曾属于其父亲Josef Mašín位于捷克Lošany的祖传农场。在同一年她建立了协会,目的是在祖屋中建立捷克抵抗运动纪念馆。纪念馆的目标是将该地重新对公众开放,并保留Josef Mašín少将和他家人们的遗产,他们在20世纪为捍卫祖国的领土、自由和民主作出了巨大的个人牺牲。

In 2017, nearly thirty years after the fall of the communist regime, Mrs. Zdeňka Mašínová regained the ancestral farm of her father, Josef Mašín, in Lošany. The very same year, a society was established for the purpose of creating a Three Resistance Movements Memorial in the house. The goal was to open it to the public and use it to preserve the legacy of Major General Josef Mašín and his family, has made significant personal sacrifices in the struggle for their homeland, freedom, and democracy throughout the 20th century.

▼项目概览,project overview©Benedikt Markel

捷克抵抗运动纪念馆 / IXA Studio

捷克抵抗运动纪念馆 / IXA Studio


▼场地轴测,site axonometric©IXA Studio

捷克抵抗运动纪念馆 / IXA Studio

The Three Resistance Movements Memorial reflects the extraordinary opportunity to view the modern history of Czechoslovakia and the Czech Republic through the story of one rural family and its companions. The memorial is conceived as a place for preserving the history of not just the foundation and operation of the resistance movements, but also their context and integrity.

▼项目入口,project entrance©Benedikt Markel

捷克抵抗运动纪念馆 / IXA Studio

捷克抵抗运动纪念馆 / IXA Studio

房屋经过数次改造重建,Josef Mašín的祖屋已经丧失了其原有的特质。唯一保留的“原真性”痕迹来源于一层的石墙和带拱顶的房间,隐藏于涂抹的混凝土表皮之下。混凝土起到了保护和稳定的作用。其他建筑软装的部分,例如门窗,屋顶,横梁都被移除了。引用艺术家Rachel Whiteread的话,该过程可以被描述成基础结构的“木乃伊化”,它的内部是中空的,可以自由进出。

▼新建轴测,newly built axonometric©IXA Studio

捷克抵抗运动纪念馆 / IXA Studio

▼拆除轴测,demolished construction axonometric©IXA Studio

捷克抵抗运动纪念馆 / IXA Studio

Following many reconstructions, the ancestral home of Josef Mašín lost its original character. The only trace of authenticity is represented by the masonry and vaulted rooms on the ground floor, preserved and hidden under a shell of sprayed concrete. The concrete serves a protective and stabilizing function. Other soft parts of the building, such as non-original windows and doors, the roof, and the beamed ceiling, were removed. To quote artist Rachel Whiteread, the process can be described as the mummification of the base structure, whose interiors can be entered and traversed.

▼项目外观,project exterior©Benedikt Markel

捷克抵抗运动纪念馆 / IXA Studio

捷克抵抗运动纪念馆 / IXA Studio

捷克抵抗运动纪念馆 / IXA Studio

在入口大厅的两个相对的凹槽内,放置了Josef Mašín写给他的妻子和孩子的信。它捕捉到了写信之人充满爱、痛苦和决心的时刻,以及对即将来临的厄运的认知,展示了一个经历了两次抵抗运动的人,他的精神催生了另一场抵抗运动。在第二个房间,位于拱形天花板的三个光通道象征着三次抵抗运动。最后一个没有屋顶的房间,是一处供反思的场所。这里生长着一棵桑树,象征着Mašín家族,从纪念馆的地平线上缓缓升起自由与希望。

In two opposing recesses of the entrance hall, the text of a letter by Josef Mašín is installed, where he bids farewell to his wife and children. Capturing a moment full of love, pain, and determination, underpinned by the knowledge of impending doom, it shows a man who experienced two resistance movements, and whose legacy gave rise to another. In the second room, a trio of sun tunnels located on the vaulted ceiling symbolizes the three resistance movements. The last space, with no roof, is a place for reflection. A mulberry tree grows here as a symbol of the Mašín family, representing freedom and hope which gradually exceeds the horizon of the memorial.

▼入口大厅,the entrance hall©Benedikt Markel

捷克抵抗运动纪念馆 / IXA Studio

▼写给家人的信,the letter written to his family©Benedikt Markel

捷克抵抗运动纪念馆 / IXA Studio

▼天花板上的光通道,the light tunnel on the ceiling©Benedikt Markel

捷克抵抗运动纪念馆 / IXA Studio

捷克抵抗运动纪念馆 / IXA Studio

捷克抵抗运动纪念馆 / IXA Studio

▼庭院尽头的桑树,the mulberry tree in the courtyard©Benedikt Markel

捷克抵抗运动纪念馆 / IXA Studio


The sizeable courtyard of the original farm remains empty, ready to accommodate larger groups of visitors or serve as a backdrop for ceremonial and social events with presentations on the history of resistance activities.

▼庭院,courtyard©Benedikt Markel

捷克抵抗运动纪念馆 / IXA Studio


The farm building, rebuilt into a stable in 1904, and later used as a tractor station for the local collective farm, is the site of an exhibition dedicated to the history of the farm, the Mašín family, and the three Czechoslovak resistance movements, located the former carriage shed. Under the original beamed ceiling, contrastive exhibition inventory is installed on renewed walls. The authentic granary on the upper floor is only accessible in very special cases, and like the stable and hayloft in another part of the building, it will be the subject of the final stage of reconstruction.

▼展厅,exhibition hall©Benedikt Markel

捷克抵抗运动纪念馆 / IXA Studio

捷克抵抗运动纪念馆 / IXA Studio

捷克抵抗运动纪念馆 / IXA Studio

▼农场环境,farm environment©Benedikt Markel

捷克抵抗运动纪念馆 / IXA Studio

▼施工现场,construction site©Benedikt Markel

捷克抵抗运动纪念馆 / IXA Studio

捷克抵抗运动纪念馆 / IXA Studio

捷克抵抗运动纪念馆 / IXA Studio

捷克抵抗运动纪念馆 / IXA Studio

▼场地区位,site map©IXAStudio

捷克抵抗运动纪念馆 / IXA Studio

▼场地平面,site plan©IXAStudio

捷克抵抗运动纪念馆 / IXA Studio

▼建筑平面,floor plan©IXAStudio

捷克抵抗运动纪念馆 / IXA Studio


捷克抵抗运动纪念馆 / IXA Studio

Studio: IXA
Author: Tomáš Hradečný, Klára Hradečná, Julie Kopecká, Benedikt Markel, Bronislava Volentičová, Silvia Snopková, Vladěna Bockschneiderová, Jakub Kochman
Contact: E-mail info@ixa.cz
Website: www.ixa.cz
Studio: address Švédská 1156/25, 150 00 Prague, Czech Republic
Co-author: Petr Blažek, exhibition curator:Michael Baroch, Dominika Kovandová, Branislav Kožej, Magdaléna Piterková, Patrik Ölvecký
Project location: Lošany 1, 280 02 Lošany
Project country: Czech Republic
Project year: 2019-2021
Completion year:2022
Built-up area: 745 m²
Usable floor area: 1 085 m²
Plot size: 11 539 m²
Cost: 430 000 €
Client: Zdeňka Mašínová
Investor: Mašínův statek — památník tří odbojů
Client’s e-mail: info@masinuvstatek.cz
Client’s website: www.masinuvstatek.com
Photographer: Benedikt Markel
Collaborator Construction work: PROSTAV, www.prostav.com
Sprayed concrete: Podzemní stavby Brno, www.psbrno.cz
Carpentry: Jiří Sušický
Landscaping: Jakub Kratochvíl, www.dovoz-drevin.cz
Exhibition production: SIGNUM 1995, www.signum.in
Multimedia solutions: st.dio, www.stdio.cz
Lighting: Etna iGuzzini, www.etna.cz

sprayed concrete – façade
cement plaster – façade
concrete – floor
Heraklith – suspended ceiling
black sheet metal with UV prints

Products and Brands
Progression windows — Slavona\www.slavona.cz
Deos lights — Etna iGuzinni\www.etna.cz
Open Frame Touchscreen displays — Elo\www.elotouch.com
VIA headphones Handset — Molitor\www.molitor-berlin.de
outdoor furniture – Emau benches, Quinbin bins, Velo bicycle stands — mmcité\www.mmcite.com

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