
巴特西屋顶花园 + Electric大道50号,伦敦 / Foster + Partners



巴特西屋顶花园是一座综合性大楼,旁边的Electric大道50号是一栋占地200,000平方英尺(约18580平方米)的办公建筑,两栋大楼都于近日完工。作为巴特西发电站综合开发的第三阶段,两栋建筑位于Electric大道的西侧,这是一条从巴特西发电站地铁站一区一直延伸到被列入Grade II*等级的重要地标的分层高街。

Battersea Roof Gardens, a mixed-use building, and 50 Electric Boulevard, an adjacent office building with 200,000 squarefeet of new workspace, have both completed. Part of the third phase of the Battersea Power Station masterplan, the two buildings sit on the western side of Electric Boulevard, a split-level high street that runs from the Zone 1 Battersea PowerStation Underground station to the Grade II* listed landmark.

▼项目与周边环境鸟瞰,aerial view of the project and surrounding environment©Nigel Young / Foster + Partners

巴特西屋顶花园 + Electric大道50号,伦敦 / Foster + Partners


The new buildings and high street share a gently undulating form, which has been designed to maximise views of the powerstation. The meandering street offers a wide range of restaurants and shops, receding and expanding at the upper level tocreate unique vantage points and moments of pause for people as they walk along.

▼平缓起伏的形式,a gently undulating form©Aaron Hargreaves / Foster + Partners

巴特西屋顶花园 + Electric大道50号,伦敦 / Foster + Partners

▼平缓起伏的形式,a gently undulating form©Nigel Young / Foster + Partners

巴特西屋顶花园 + Electric大道50号,伦敦 / Foster + Partners

Battersea Roof Gardens


▼立面,elevation©Foster + Partners

巴特西屋顶花园 + Electric大道50号,伦敦 / Foster + Partners

Battersea Roof Gardens features 436 stylish apartments, the 164-room art’otel London Battersea Power Station, and is topped by one of the city’s largest rooftop gardens. The rooftop garden is home to 23,000 plants and 55 trees, with grassy areas for social events – and soft ambient lighting which extends use into the evening hours. Curved wooden seating areas echo the form of the building and provide residents with a place to relax in nature and take in the panoramic views. Guests staying at the hotel have access to their own rooftop garden with a lounge bar and infinity pool that overlooks the power station’s iconic chimneys.

巴特西屋顶花园,Battersea roof garden©Nigel Young / Foster + Partners

巴特西屋顶花园 + Electric大道50号,伦敦 / Foster + Partners

住户们还可以享用14 层和 15 层的空中酒廊,设有日落酒吧、工作区、电影放映室和休闲区。顶层公寓拥有自己的私人露台,可以俯瞰整个项目的壮丽景色。

Residents also benefit from a unique Sky Lounge on the fourteenth and fifteenth floors, which features a sunset bar,workspaces, cinema room, and areas for relaxation. Penthouse apartments have their own private terraces, with spectacular views of the wider development.

巴特西屋顶花园,Battersea roof garden©Aaron Hargreaves / Foster + Partners

巴特西屋顶花园 + Electric大道50号,伦敦 / Foster + Partners

50 Electric Boulevard

坐落于该地块的南侧,Electric大道50号构成新高街的完整部分。大楼距离发电站仅咫尺之遥,这里拥有 100 多家商店、酒吧、餐馆和休闲场所,还有巴特西公园和泰晤士河。这是一个充满活力、令人振奋的工作场所,其设计将可持续发展放在首位。建筑的起伏造型产生了不同的楼面面积,提供了最大的灵活性,可满足未来租户的需求。

Located on the south side of the neighborhood, 50 Electric Boulevard forms an integral part of the new high street. The building is a stone’s throw from the power station, which is home to over 100 shops, bars, restaurants and leisure venues, Battersea Park and the River Thames. It is a vibrant and uplifting place to work, which prioritizes sustainability through its design. The building’s undulating form generates a varying floor plate, which provides maximum flexibility and will accommodate future tenant requirements.

Electric大道50号50 Electric Boulevard©Nigel Young / Foster + Partners

巴特西屋顶花园 + Electric大道50号,伦敦 / Foster + Partners

Electric大道50号的入口大堂位于一层,在高街上形成一个醒目的入口。大堂通过惊艳的旋转楼梯连接一层的上方和双层高展亭Light Box。位于Electric大道50号和巴特西屋顶花园之间,展亭由一系列宽敞的顶灯照亮,绿意盎然。馆内还设有咖啡吧和看台座位,可供大型活动使用。

50 Electric Boulevard ’s entrance lobby is situated on the ground floor and is marked by a prominent entrance way on the high street. The lobby connects with the upper ground floor and a double-height pavilion, known as the Light Box, via a striking spiral staircase. Positioned in the space between 50 Electric Boulevard and Battersea Roof Gardens, the pavilionis illuminated by a series of generous roof lights and full of lush greenery. It also features a coffee bar and bleacher seating for large-scale events.

▼一层入口,entrance lobby©Nigel Young / Foster + Partners

巴特西屋顶花园 + Electric大道50号,伦敦 / Foster + Partners

落地窗和悬挑的阳台创造了通透健康的工作环境,整个空间对景观和自然材料的运用也加强了对员工身心健康的考量。建筑使用自然通风并设置有为健身和办公室活动准备的屋顶露台,位于大楼正下方的巴特西发电站地铁站的新入口将于 2025 年春季开放,届时来往办公室的交通将更加快捷。50 Electric Boulevard 荣获英国建筑性能评估体系(BREEAM)优秀奖和 WELL 铂金等级。

Floor-to-ceiling windows and cantilevered balconies create a permeable and healthy working environment, while the use of greenery and natural materials throughout the space enhanceswellbeing. The building is naturally ventilated and has its own roof terrace, for exercise classes and office events.A new entrance to the Battersea Power Station underground station, directly underneath the building, will open in spring 2025, allowing for faster travel to and from the office. 50 Electric Boulevard achieves BREEAM Outstanding and WELL Platinum ratings.

▼露台空间,terrace space©Aaron Hargreaves / Foster + Partners

巴特西屋顶花园 + Electric大道50号,伦敦 / Foster + Partners

▼场地区位,Battersea Roof Gardens site plan©Foster + Partners

巴特西屋顶花园 + Electric大道50号,伦敦 / Foster + Partners

▼一层平面,Battersea Roof Gardens ground floor plan©Foster + Partners

巴特西屋顶花园 + Electric大道50号,伦敦 / Foster + Partners

▼一层夹层,Battersea Roof Gardens upper ground floor©Foster + Partners

巴特西屋顶花园 + Electric大道50号,伦敦 / Foster + Partners

▼二层平面,Battersea Roof Gardens level 1 plan©Foster + Partners

巴特西屋顶花园 + Electric大道50号,伦敦 / Foster + Partners

▼屋顶花园,Battersea Roof Gardens©Foster + Partners

巴特西屋顶花园 + Electric大道50号,伦敦 / Foster + Partners

▼立面,elevation©Foster + Partners

巴特西屋顶花园 + Electric大道50号,伦敦 / Foster + Partners

▼剖面,section©Foster + Partners

巴特西屋顶花园 + Electric大道50号,伦敦 / Foster + Partners

巴特西屋顶花园 + Electric大道50号,伦敦 / Foster + Partners

巴特西屋顶花园 + Electric大道50号,伦敦 / Foster + Partners

50 Electric Boulevard
Battersea Power Station Phase 3B Development – Office Building
London, England

2019 – 2024

Battersea Roof Gardens
London, England
2013 – 2024

Client:Battersea Power Station Development Company
ArchitectFoster + Partners
Foster + PartnersDesign Team:Norman Foster,David Nelson Spencer De Grey Grant Brooker Andy Bow Angelika Kovacic Owe Schoof Martin Rolfe Emilio Cimma Raphael Keane Ellen Bradley Jasmine Pang
Contractors: Sir Robert McAlpine
Structural Consultant:Robert Bird Group
Structural Engineer:Robert Bird Group
Mechanical Engineers:Chapman BDSP
Cost Consultant:AECOM
Landscape Consultant:LDA Design
Lighting Engineers:Spiers and Major
Service Engineer:Chapman BDSP
Fire Engineer:Chapman BDSP Fire
Lift Consultant:D2E
CDM Consultants:AECOM
Acoustic Consultant:RBA Acoustics/Sandy Brown Acoustics
Façade Consultant:Thornton Tomasetti
Transport Consultant:Markides Associates Ltd
DDA Consultants:Proudlock Associates Ltd
Security Consultants:QCIC Group
Wayfinding Consultant:Holmes Wood/Endpoint

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