
千窗之宅,葡萄牙 / fala atelier




▼建筑立面,Facade of the building©francisco ascensao

千窗之宅,葡萄牙 / fala atelier

千窗之宅,葡萄牙 / fala atelier

The house has more levels and windows than a typical house in similar circumstances normally would. From an outside perspective, the house is both much bigger and much smaller than what would be expected. The rigid rhythm of small openings meets an ordered interior, where living spaces unfold left and right from the central staircase. Inside, a system of split levels is disguised between the slab thicknesses that disappear between the windows. Within the outer perimeter, none of the walls remain opaque; instead, a sequence of transversal glass brick walls on every level divides the spaces while still allowing a blurry glimpse from one to the next. On the top floor, the main spaces find themselves nestled under a vaulted ceiling—the only exception within the otherwise strict system.

▼立面特写,Close-up of the facade©francisco ascensao

千窗之宅,葡萄牙 / fala atelier

千窗之宅,葡萄牙 / fala atelier

立面格网、平面布局和整体空间系统相互依存,宛如参数化设计一般。墙体、门、窗、扶手等每一个元素都遵循着统一的标准,被无数次重复使用。不同材料的尺寸(20x20cm 玻璃砖,30x30cm 大理石瓷砖等)共同构成了严苛的规则体系,使得每个房间都近乎相同,并建立起功能划分与内外空间转换之间的一致关系。所有后续的决策,无论是实用、伦理、美学方面的,甚至如今的居住方式,都指向并源于这一抽象却又具体的现实。

▼室内概览,Overview of the interior©francisco ascensao

千窗之宅,葡萄牙 / fala atelier

千窗之宅,葡萄牙 / fala atelier

▼通透的空间,Transparent spaces©francisco ascensao

千窗之宅,葡萄牙 / fala atelier

千窗之宅,葡萄牙 / fala atelier

The façade grid, the plan structure and the overall spatial system, are dependent on each other, like a parametrical device. Each element in the system is universal and repeated countless times, be it a wall, a door, a window, or a handrail. The metrics of the different materials (20x20cm glass brick, 30x30cm marble tiles, etc) contribute to the maniac set of rules that render each room identical, and establish uniform relations between programs and the inside-outside transitions. Every decision that followed, practical, ethical or aesthetic, and even the inhabitation that occurs today, results and contributes to this abstract yet very tangible reality.

▼交通空间,Circulation spaces©francisco ascensao

千窗之宅,葡萄牙 / fala atelier

千窗之宅,葡萄牙 / fala atelier

▼局部特写,Partial close-up©francisco ascensao

千窗之宅,葡萄牙 / fala atelier

▼户外空间,Outdoor space©francisco ascensao

千窗之宅,葡萄牙 / fala atelier


▼精致的细部,Delicate detail©francisco ascensao

千窗之宅,葡萄牙 / fala atelier

The house is an applied theorem. Its “houseness” is not easy to grasp, forcing the inhabitant to find it and even force it in the construction that resulted from the set of predetermined rules that composed the project. The project is closer to being a mathematical equation in physical form than a house.


千窗之宅,葡萄牙 / fala atelier

千窗之宅,葡萄牙 / fala atelier

千窗之宅,葡萄牙 / fala atelier

千窗之宅,葡萄牙 / fala atelier

▼空间元素,Spaces elements©fala

千窗之宅,葡萄牙 / fala atelier

千窗之宅,葡萄牙 / fala atelier

千窗之宅,葡萄牙 / fala atelier

▼空间分析,Space diagram©fala

千窗之宅,葡萄牙 / fala atelier


千窗之宅,葡萄牙 / fala atelier

Project title: house of countless windows
Client: private
Location: Lisbon, Portugal
Project date: 2018-2022
Design team: fala (Filipe Magalhães, Ana Luisa Soares, Ahmed Belkhodja, Lera Samovich, Joana Sendas, João Carlos Lopes, Kentaro Hayashi)
Project team: Paulo Sousa (engineering), MP+PF (engineering), João Magalhães (landscape), OGC (contractor)
Site area: 360m2
Gross floor area: 240m2

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